Tuesday, July 1, 2008

June Result for "Princess Of The Month" is OUT here NOW!!


To all 7 Princess fans here, Here is the results for "Princess Of The Month" that you all have vote it here for the hole "Month Of June":

Winner: Fiona Xie(谢宛谕) with 1445 votes.
2nd: Rui En(芮恩) with 1295 votes.
3th: Jeanette Aw(歐萱) with 655 votes.
4th: Jesseca Liu(刘芷绚) with 580 votes.
5th: Felicia Chin(陈靓瑄) with 500 votes.
6th: Dawn Yeoh(姚懿珊) with 175 votes.
7th: Joanne Peh(白薇秀) with 105 votes.

So the WINNER for "Princess Of The Month June" here is Fiona Xie(谢宛谕).....We will put her photo at the sidebar there now from now onward.... and from now i shall limited the polls to one vote per person, which i think is more fair to others fans and to the 7 Princess here also ok or else u guys and gals all keep on spamming the polls here now.

Remember to comeback and vote it again for the "Princess Of The Month" for the hole "Month Of July" here now ok!!!!

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