Tuesday, June 17, 2008

"Which 7 Princesses you think should nominate as the "Best Actress" in Star Awards 2009?"


Seen the Star Awards has postpone to next year 2009 and so many people are talking about it here now so we will have a polls topic here:

For this week we will chat about "Which 7 Princesses you think should nominate as the "Best Actress" in Star Awards 2009?" now ok....

Here is the following list for "Which 7 Princesses you think should nominate as the "Best Actress" in Star Awards 2009?" now:

1) Dawn Yeoh(姚懿珊) in Rhythm Of Life(变奏曲).
2) Felicia Chin(陈靓瑄) in The Golden Path(黄金路).
3) Fiona Xie(谢宛谕) in Just In Singapore(一屋半厅一水缸).
4) Jeanette Aw(歐萱) in Rhythm Of Life(变奏曲).
5) Jesseca Liu(刘芷绚) in Rhythm Of Life(变奏曲).
6) Joanne Peh(白薇秀) in The Truth(谜图).
7) Rui En(芮恩) in [None].

So after seeing the list above "Which 7 Princesses you think should nominate as the "Best Actress" in Star Awards 2009?" poll is here now.... You can only vote once here now ok!!!!

(NOTE: Do remember to vote for this topic: "Which 7 Princesses you think should nominate as the "Best Actress" in Star Awards 2009?" at the tagboard located on the lower right. Thanks for the supporting!!!!)

1 comment:

Fans of Show Luo & Alien Huang said...

To:Rui En
I'm ur fans,i will vote for u for all e prelude for stars award-yea!!