Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Do you all like Felicia Chin role as Tao Haitong in Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)?"

Hi, Seen the Drama Series "Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)" Currently On Air now on Channel8 every weekdays at 7pm here now and it's a long drama series here, so we will have a polls topic here:

For this week we will chat about "Do you all like Felicia Chin role as Tao Haitong in Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)?" now ok....

So "Do you all like Felicia Chin role as Tao Haitong in Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)?" poll is here now.... You can vote as much as you can here now ok!!!!

(NOTE: Do remember to vote for this topic: "Do you all like Felicia Chin role as Tao Haitong in Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)?" at the tagboard located on the lower right. Thanks for the supporting!!!!)

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