Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A New Brand Voting Polls Game here from now onwards....


To all 7 Princesses fans here:

Starting from today(June 24 2008) and this week we will have a new brand voting polls game here ok....We will also eliminate 2 of the Princesses here each week ok.

So for the polls topic here it will be: "Which 7 Princesses is the "Most Popular Artistes" at the moment?" here now for the hole new brand voting polls game....

Here is how the elimination goes:

Stage 1:

From now(June 24) till 30 June 2008 - We will eliminate 2 Princesses here.

Stage 2:

1 July till 7 July 2008 - We will again eliminate 2 Princesses here.

Stage 3:

Then it will left only 3 Princesses from there we will still eliminate 2 Princesses here and the only left Princesses will be the "WINNER" here ok....it will be on 8 July till 14 July 2008.

(Note: There will be a total of 3 stage, after each stage end, the results will be reset again and start from 0. The poll is now added on the sidebar, start voting now!!!!)

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