Friday, June 6, 2008

Felicia's Tweety Fashion launch next week!

Hey everyone!! I got news for you... Felicia will be at Bugis Junction next Saturday for some Tweety fashion launch (based on that adorable little canary from the Looney Tunes cartoon series of course)... do mark down this date!! ;-)

This is the description for the event:

"In conjunction with the fashion launch of the Tweety! boutique, catch MediaCorp artiste and brand ambassador for Tweety! Felicia Chin in this flighty fashion show."

Event: Tweety! Fashion Launch, SOME BIRD'S GONE SOPHISTIC-CHICK
Date: 14/06/2008
Venue: Bugis Junction (#01-63)
Time: 6pm - 8pm (exact time will be confirmed again nearer to the date)

For more info on Tweety Bird, go here:

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