Monday, May 26, 2008

Catch: Felicia Chin In "Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开)".

New Drama Serial: Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开).

Felicia Chin in Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开).

Drama Series: Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开).
Total Episode:
110(Part 1= 55 Episode, Part 2= 55 Episode).
Cast: Chen Shucheng(as Tao Dashun), Ivy Lee(as Tao Zijing), Felicia Chin(as Tao Haitong), Koh Yah Hwee(as Tao Wenzhu), Zheng Geping(as Yun Kaiwang), Terence Cao(as Yu Wenhao), Adam Chen(as Guo Zipeng), Zhang Yaodong(as Ma Daji), Ben Yeo(as Wang Zhigang), Constance Song(as Tao Linglan), Chen Tianwen(as Lu Gua), Patricia Mok(as Yun Caixia), Rayson Tan(as Kang Qingxiong), Priscelia Chan(as Ruan Er-bo), Eelyn Kok(as Yu Meiwei), May Phua(as Xu Yanning), Darren Lim(as Huang Yezu), Huang Wenyong(as Yu Dongcheng), Jin Yinji(as Su Baozuan), Lin Meijiao(as Pan Qiulian), Hong Huifang(as Liang Miaochang), Chen Chuxuan(as Yiling), Ng Hui(as Xiaolei) and Wu Luoyi(as David).

Description: A widower tries to cope with the many problems faced by his four daughters while running a floral nursery business.

Tao Dashun, a widower, runs a floral nursery business – Tao Garden. Having fond, nostalgic memories of the nursery, he continues to run it even though he is well into his retirement years. Dashun has four daughters. However, being a traditional father, he is not expressive with his affections. Thus, his daughters became very distant from him as they grew up.

Dashun' s elder daughter, Linglan, never visits him. When Linglan was 18, Dashun had personally sent her to a drug rehabilitation centre. Angry with her father for sending her away, the rebellious Linglan did not return home after her release. She was cheated by her boyfriend and gave birth to a daughter, Yiling. After her boyfriend abandoned her, she and Yiling lived with a bookie, Lugua. Little did she know that Lugua is looking for opportunities to violate Yiling. Although Yiling has never met Dashun, by coincidence, she became good friends with him. Through this, Linglan is reunited with her father again. Although Dashun tried to make up to Linglan, she is indifferent to his good intentions. Lugua took advantage of Dashun’s guilt and reap benefits out of him. Dashun’s third daughter, Haitong, is intolerant towards Lugua’s doings and misunderstood that Linglan has instigated it. Lugua was involved in illegal operations and was badly beaten up by his ‘brothers’ due to a misunderstanding. He used this incident to sow discord between the sisters by misrepresenting to Linglan that Haitong did not help him when he was attacked. As a result, the sisters’ relationship was further soured.

Dashun’s second daughter, Zhijing, is closer to him. However, Zhijing is facing problems and pressure from her own family. She is married to a flower vendor Yun Kaiwang and they had a daughter. Due to financial constraints, she has decided not to try for a son. This causes the wrath of her mother-in-law. Kaiwang’s sister, Caixia moved back home with her husband, Kang Qingxiong, when his business failed and became a bankrupt. As Caixia is not on cordial terms with Zhijing, this further fuels the existing bad blood with her mother-in-law. Thus, family harmony was threatened by incessant bickerings. When Qingxiong discovered that Zhijing had refused to try for a son, he instigated Kaiwang to get a second wife overseas. Kaiwang was tempted and his indecisiveness caused Zhijing to loose faith in the marriage. She left home in anger. Kaiwang was trying to win Zhijing back until he discovered that she has been indulging in gambling and owe huge debts to loan-sharks. In a fit of anger, Kaiwang suggested a divorce. Zhijing returned to her maiden home. Kaiwang insists that Zhijing quit gambling before reuniting with her. In the meantime, Qingxiong’s Vietnamese second wife, Yuan Erbo, came to look for him. In his anxiety to cover-up the affair, he forces Kaiwang to be his scapegoat. To protect his sister’s marriage, he reluctantly agreed to help Qingxiong. However, Erbo fell in love with Kaiwang. This led Zhijing to misunderstand that Kaiwang has really taken a second wife. A disappointed Zhijing left home to nurse her battered feelings. Kaiwang search for Zhijing all the way to Malacca. An opportunity to reunite was disrupted by an unfortunate accident which causes Zhijing to loose consciousness. Kaiwang lost touch with his wife. He thought that she has given up on him and left for good. Disappointed, he left for home.

Qingxiong uses Kaiwang’s name to operate a match making agency. Using the agency as a front, Qingxiong encouraged his clients to source for second wives overseas and organized lustful escapades for his male clients. Kaiwang was too distracted and depress with his family problems and left his business in Qingxiong’s care. Little did he realize that what Qingxiong has done is a tickling time bomb waiting to explode into serious business problems.

Dashun’s third daughter, Haitong, is an intelligent, aggressively enterprising and achievement oriented young woman. She runs a hamper cum florist business with her boyfriend, Kuo Zhipeng. A confident woman with a high sense of pride, she does not believe in defining love on a marriage certificate. Dashun sold his nursery to Ma Daji to clear Zhijing’s gambling debts. Daji is an American born Chinese and know next to nothing about nursery operation. In order to protect her own interest, Haitong manipulates him into signing a contract which not only provides flowers for her company at a low price but also hire Dashun with an exorbitant salary to look after the nursery. Daji was helpless when he realized that he has been taken advantage of. Thus, the young couple hit off on a wrong note.

A relationship without foundation is never firm. Non-commitment erodes Zhipeng’s responsibility to the relationship. When he met his ex girlfriend, he began to two-time Haitong. An arrogant Haitong could not accept her boyfriend’s infidelity and gave up their relationship and her business and return to the nursery to start afresh. Her determination and enthusiasm changes Daji’s perception of her. Both of them work together and improve the nursery’s business. As the nursery’s business grew, so did their affections for each other. Just when their relationship are taking off smoothly, Daji’s parents decided to venture into China market and suggested that he sell off the nursery to join them in their business. Daji hopes that Haitong would ask him to stay but she did not want to use relationship to tie Daji down. Disappointed, Daji left for China but Haitong secretly hopes for his return.

Dashun’s youngest daughter, Wenzhu, is an undergraduate. Young and optimistic, she cherishes freedom of life and enjoys new excitement. She has countless suitors but only has eyes for Daji. She claims that Daji is her boyfriend and boasts about it. During a beauty pageant, Wenzhu was talent scouted by the television station to act in a drama. She inadvertently offended Xu Yanning, a popular actress, who find ways to make things difficult for her. She also became good friends with image consultant Wang Zhigang. Wenzhu’s conflict with Yanning and her relation with Zhigang become a talking point for the media. Worried that her public image will be affected, Wenzhu distants herself from Zhigang. Little did she know that Zhigang has fallen in love with her. Inexperience with handling of the media, she inadvertently hurt Zhigang numerous times. In addition to the problem, Zhigang’s beauty consciousness led the media to brand him as sissy and even suggests that he is a gay. For the sake of her career prospect, Wenzhu broke off with Zhigang. Disappointed, Zhigang left for Japan to upgrade himself.

To each his own, Wenzhu concentrates on her acting career only to be rudely disrupted by an injury caused by Lugua’s henchmen, who was revenging on Wenhao. The injury left her with a clot in her brain which constantly plague her with severe headaches. From a cheerful, happy-go-lucky girl, she has retreated into a passive life of an introvert and seclusion.

Dashun is not only confronted by his daughters’ problems. He has come to realize that he also had a son – Yu Wenhao. Twenty years ago, Dashun had an affair with Miaochang and Wenhao was born out of that wedlock. Feeling remorseful to his family, he decided to break off with Miaochang. Miaochang could not locate Dashun and eventually married Dongcheng. She lied to him that Wenhao is her foster son. Both had a daughter, Meiwei. As Miaochang was not happy in the marriage; and decided to leave home to further her studies, leaving Wenhao and Meiwei in Dongcheng’s care. When Dongcheng decided to remarry, Meiwei was so unhappy that she turned to Wenhao for solace. Wenhao treats Meiwei as his sister not knowing that she is emotionally involved with him. When Miaochang returns, she realized that Wenhao has not been well taken care of by Dongcheng. Thus, she decided to acknowledge Wenhao and bring him back to Australia. Just when Wenhao is looking forward to make up the lost time with his mother, Miaochang was killed in a road accident. Her death threw him into a stage of despair. Dashun could not bear to see his son in that stage and decided to come clean with his relationship with him. He organized a family dinner to announce his decision to acknowledge Wenhao and his intention to take care of Linglan’s family. The Tao sisters welcome their brother home. Dashun thought that this family reunion would be a new beginning but little did he know that Wenhao’s return and the vindictive Linglan will pose unimaginable challenges to his life and to Tao Garden….

("Love Blossoms(心花朵朵开) DEBUTS THIS COMING WEDNESDAY, May 28 2008, WEEKDAYS AT 7PM." MediaCorp Channel 8. Don't Miss this exciting series.)

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